My Sisters Keeper (2009)
My sisters keeper is about a young girl who is fighting her parent for the medical emancipation of her own body against her mother. Anna's older sister Kate is dying of leukaemia , and Anna is expected, by her parents, to donate on of her kidneys to help save her sister. Though this film is about how a mother obsesses to keep her child alive, it is also about how illness can influence family bonds, and more importantly, the bonds between sister.

Many aspects of our film is influenced by My Sisters Keeper like Anna's journey to find someone to help her in the fight to the rights to her own body. Like Anna, we want to focus on how a child goes on a mature journey with the goal to help her older sister.
How Kate's illness it portrayed would be hard for us to use. The character is shown to have lost her hair which we would not be able
to do. However, basic characteristics of illness will be easier to portray. We could use make-up to make the character face look pale, which Kate's is also shown to be. We could also use props such as hospital equipment like a drip, to symbolise the characters condition. Another prop we could use that would counter part the loss of hair of the character to present her illness could be a head scarf which is commonly used in films with similar plots.This scene is a perfect example of a shot we would like to cooperate into our film. The use of lighting and the sisters positoions not only sybolises their relationship, but gives the scene a sense of emotion for the two characters.
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