The use of layers is something we could replicate in our own film. Each layer hints at the plot line of the film for example the character august in the background looking at Marlena and Jacob suggesting there may be conflict between the others.
This is also emphasised by the use of colour, being bright next to the Elephant , Rosie and dark next to the character August suggesting the stereotypical conventions of good and bad.
This is something we could consider as the difference between good and bad and peoples motives for their behaviour is blurred in our plot. The use of colour could emphasise the moral issues in our plot.
The graphics such as font type are relative to the time period,this is something we could include perhaps creating a signature font that could be identified easily and memorably to the film.
As this is a film produced by a mainstream company established actors have been used. This can be something to attract audiences and we need to create an guarantee that the film will be worthwhile watching. This could perhaps be done through reviews and ratings.
The Refinery
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