Group Photo

Monday, 23 March 2015

Final Film Questionnaire Results

Final Film Questionnaire Results

Due to the amount of time and effort we put into our film, it was great to hear the audiences positive feedback. For instance, one response to out questionnaire put:

"Wow is all I can say. So amazing as a film and it's just so moving."

However, we were also looking for constructive criticism of our film. One thing, which we detected ourselves that could be improved was that:

"Maybe extend scenes of Hope and Destiny together. "

If we had more time AND a longer time limit this could have been possible. However, in the 5 minutes given, we had to mainly focus on the crime scenes.

Also, some other advise we were given was:

"A bit more emotion in some parts of the film."

If our storyline was professionally made with real actors and actresses, then there would be far more emotion in it, but as A Level, it was the best we could do unfortunately. 

What was confirmed by this questionnaire was that our audience was mainly female and of the younger end. One response said this exactly:

"Mainly females and probably the younger end (eg. teens)"

Friday, 20 March 2015

Questionnaire Results and Analysis

These results, although positive show some key area's we need to improve on before we produce a final cut. 

Sound was one area, improving the loudness of conversation to music levels was one change we could make. Doing this would also make the narrative clearer. 

To further make the plot line clearer we will add an additional scene of the doctor explaining to Destiny that Hope's treatment was unsuccessful. This will add more dramatic impact for the audience as they realise Destiny's efforts actually killed Hope. 

Individual Film Poster

For my individual film poster I have mainly used the Atonement film poster as my inspiration. similar techniques that I have used to this poster is the separation of the two characters involved in the poster along with the use of two very different background colours to represent each character.

A difference that I have used to this and other film poster's that I have researched is the formate of the title. This different form in which I have presented the title of our film is an additional representation of the type of film. I found this image on the internet and thought it was a good way to present our title in my film poster.  It shows that the film has soft and emotional links, which I have nicely contracted with the dark colours presented at the top half of the poster, which demonstrate the dark side of the film's plot.

Hope- Final Cut Questionnaire